Product Review- BotanEq
Howdy Horse Hippies! As Earth lovers I am sure you want to use natural eco-friendly products on yourself, and your four-legged friends, that are also effective. Well, I am thrilled to say that this line of equine and leather care products delivers! I am constantly getting samples in the mail from manufacturers with the hope that I will test them, like them, then add them to my shop. I am super picky so that happens less often than not.
When I received this box of samples I immediately knew two things; they smelled amazing and they were organic. Score! Now....will they work? I took them to the barn and used the Everyday Leather Cleaner that day after my ride. It went on great, and offered terrific cleaning and conditioning. Did I mention the smell? While I was cleaning my tack, 5 people came into the tack room to find out what smelled so good.
The next time I rode I tried the BotanEq Natural Healing Balm because Noah usually plays hard in the field and has a ton of boo boos. It did not disappoint either.
It is with great pleasure that this line ge
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