Around the Farm Uses of Hay Strings
Adapted from
In a pinch baling twine can be used to:
- make a makeshift halter
- make a makeshift leadrope
- temporarily fix fence boards and gates
- replace broken blanket straps
- make a makeshift martingale
- make a grab strap for beginner lesson takers
- make anti grazing reins
- temporarily tie a gate closed when the latch breaks
- temporarily fix broken halters, bridles and reins
- as a temporary replacement for broken boot laces
- create an emergency fly fringe
- cinch your jeans up
Around the barn and pasture, baling twine can be used to:
- tie the feed buckets to the stall walls
- tie fans up in the stall rafters
- tie a jollyball to the rafters
- tie up stall guards
- use as breakaway ties on hitching posts
- create a pull for the loft stairs
- make pulls for light switches
- make a haynet
- make handles for the ends of electric fencing
- cordon off sections of muddy pasture in spring
- tie down the office pen
- tie a big orange loop on the scissors and hoofpick so they don't get lost in the bedding
- tether things down in the pickup
- tie down tarpaulins
Make a hay net Hope you found this useful! Check out our website at for great info and products for you and your horse! Til we meet again, ~Laura
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